Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My current reading list

I have done a little research and Forked out for some books in order to take my level up a notch.

First on the list is Phil Gordon's Little Green Book (Amazon link) which I have now read once and it was really great, well written with humour and good examples.  I think about 20% went in and I shall definitely be studying each chapter to make sure it sticks.

Second on the list which I have now started is The Mental Game of Poker by Jared Tendler (Amazon link) which is to help my learning as well as obviously my mental game.  Something I have always struggled with and although I'm skeptical of how much this book will help I am definitely giving it a try in the hope something good will happen.  One chapter in and I'm enjoying the read.

I have two more books lined up however will focus on them a little later.  I don't want to overload on information after all I'm aiming for conscious competence (looks like I'm learning something from the second book already)

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