Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The reason why...

I gave up recreational poker in 2006 after playing online for about a year.  I really didn't take it that seriously and although I was playing micro 0.10/0.20 my swings were wild.  I would play badly and take things way too personally on the tables.  This would then compell me into playing at a higher stake to get my money back which of course would work for a while until people realised exactly what I was doing and bust me.

I think in the end I broke about even or at least this is what I've convinced myself over the past 6 years.  Back at the time I bought a lot of books but actually didn't read them much except a little of Doyle's super system.  I think mainly because I was too impatient and as soon as I started reading I would get the urge to play therefore never really finish.

Looking back I now realise what little info I did pick up was pretty dangerous to my poker as having not finished the book I didn't have the complete picture.

Anyway lesson learnt.  So now here I am and I've gotten a taste for poker again since my gaming PC is out of action (long story).  Well I jumped straight back in at the micros thinking I could pick up where I left off.  I created a poker stars account and put in $20 after a couple of days playing micro cash games I realised when my deposit more resembled $5 that I'm a fish and always have been.

If I want to play poker I need to play winning poker and at the minute that just ain't happening.  Hence the reason I have created this blog.  I am going back to basics and actually reading some books and I'm going to try and become a better poker player.  I will blog my experiences mainly so I can see if it's working and hopefully trace any problems with my game.  Well here goes, I'm all in!

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