Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Problem fix wish list

Heres a list of problems I see myself with whilst playing poker;
  1. I'm too impatient and try to force a hand.
  2. I play out of position too much.
  3. I don't analyse the plays enough.
  4. I don't attempt a read on someone's hand.
  5. I go all in way too much before analysing the hand and my opponents.
  6. I get too emotionally if I feel someone is trying to bluff me.
  7. Play too many marginal hands and expect to be winning in an un raised pot post flop.
  8. I must play more aggressive.
  9. I must try to steal more blinds.
  10. I don't change gears enough.
Okay well that's enough for starters.  I will tick them off when I feel I've rid these issues from my game.

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